-It was your First Thanksgiving!
-You chewed on your thumb a lot.
-You could go 3-4 hours between feedings.
-You found your feet.
-You rolled over from back to tummy. Which it made you spit up every time. And then you would get mad because you couldn't roll back over.
-Your eyebrows were getting darker.
-You wiggled and squirmed a lot.
-We practiced sitting up, but you would start falling head first, and then get mad.
-You took the longest naps at home (2-3 hours, twice a day), and only short cat-naps when you were away from home (20-30 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day).
-You've started putting your arm above your head when you eat or when you are relaxed, kinda like Daddy.
-At Thanksgiving, Mommy was holding you and you were looking at Grandaddy and you fussed until Mommy passed you to Grandaddy, then you were happy. Grandaddy was pretty proud.